The Six Star Retreat



Mystery Voice Competition (text version)

See if you can guess the voice of this weeks mystery guest. Here's the clip:

"They made me eat caviar and tripe. It was an amazing experience!"

OK, so who's voice was that...


Voice from the Bush said...

Hmmm. Is it Thora Hird?

Mrs Leatherbarrow said...


LesFous said...

Dat's Dish O'Reilly the 18th century Irish polemicist and all round good egg

evertsen™ said...

Hmmm, i reckon that's close!

I think we'll hear the voice again...

O'Postrophy said...

This is jolly interesting, Dish O'Reilly's older brother was originally christened Dat, though not until the early 19th century, then the onset of wireless telemetry in the early 20s and the subsequent abuse of hereldic morse (more later) caused a complete rethink in the use of stupid first names for posh kids.

I'm not hearing the voices...

O'Postrophy said...

This is jolly interesting, Dish O'Reilly's older brother was originally christened Dat, though not until the early 19th century, then the onset of wireless telemetry in the early 20s and the subsequent abuse of hereldic morse (more later) caused a complete rethink in the use of stupid first names for posh kids.

I'm not hearing the voices...

evertsen™ said...

O’Postrophy, it’s wonderful to have you here at the retreat - I’m really looking forward to sharing a pint!

Dish has already won my great affection, though google research sheds little light on his true identity - I will, however, press on.

And yes, telegraphy has much to answer for when so many seemingly ‘well to do’ are deprived of their given names.

Hmm, not hearing the voices, eh?

Are you sure that’s something to worry about?